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Avviso di invito a presentare offerte per lavori di riparazione e manutenzione presso la Piscina nella Residenza dell'Ambasciata a Roma

Posted on: December 23, 2020 | Back | Print

Embassy of India





The Embassy of India, Rome, intends to carry out repair & maintenance work in the swimming pool at Embassy Residence. For this purpose, the Embassy wishes to engage the services of a reputed professional company to carry out the required work as dscribed in the scope of work below.  The company should be technically qualified and registered or licensed to carry out such work in Italy. Interested companies/firms/agencies may submit their quotations to the Embassy in sealed envelopes. Bidders shall submit their bid in a large sealed envelope super–scribed with “Swimming Pool Bids”for Embassy of India, Rome, which shall have following three separate sealed envelopes inside:

Envelope A: This envelope shall be super–scribed as “EMD. It shall contain a cheque or demand draft or banker's cheque towards EMD, as per conditions mentioned at para 6 below.

Envelope B:  This envelope shall be super–scribed as “Technical Bid”. It shall contain documents establishing the technical eligibility of the firm (registration certificate, work experience, certificates from clients indicating satisfactory services etc.)  and other documents required to establish sound financial condition of the firm.

Envelope C: This envelope shall be super–scribed as “Financial Bid”. It shall contain the financial bid, as per para 5 below.

No tender documents will be accepted after the expiry of stipulated date and time under any circumstances.

1. Scope of workThe work comprises of the following:

(i) Supply and installation of 20 swimming pool handles for covering the entire perimeter of the pool. The new handles will have to installed at a distance of about 20 cm from each other.

(ii) Cleaning the walls and bottom of the swimming pool with required chemicals, etc. in order to remove the limestone

(iii) Plastering the gaps / cracks in the walls and bottom surface of the pool in order to make it homogeneous

(iv) Painting the walls and bottom surface of the swimming pool with fixative (primer) and two coats of light blue paint

2. Eligibility Criteria: The company should be locally registered and appropriately qualified in accordance to Italy’s laws and have at least 05 years of experience in carrying out such evaluation. Documentary evidence of registration and experience should be submitted as part of technical bid. 

3. Time Frame: The selected company would be expected to immediately start the work in coordination with the Embassy and complete the work within a period of 4 weeks from the date of letter of appointment.

4. Period of validity of bids: The bid shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of the opening of the bid or up to any mutually extended period.  A bid valid for a shorter period shall stand rejected.

5. Fees: The firms/agencies should submit their quote indicating lump–sum fees for the whole work, exclusive of VAT. The quotation may be submitted in a separate sealed envelope duly super–scribed as Financial Bid.

6. Conditions

(a) EMD: Prospective bidders shall deposit an amount equal to 2% of the bid value with the Embassy as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). This can be in the form of a cheque, bank draft or banker’s cheque in favour of ‘Embassy of India, Rome’. EMD shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope. EMD shall have to remain valid for a period of 45 days beyond the final bid validity period. The EMD received from unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them after finalization and award of contract. EMD of the successful bidder will be returned after submission of the Performance Bank Guarantee by him.

(b) Performance Guarantee: The successful bidder will submit a ‘Letter of Acceptance’ in writing and ‘Performance Guarantee’ @ 5% of the accepted tender amount, within 7 days of award of contract/order. This should be in the form of a cheque, bank draft or banker’s cheque and should be valid up to 30 days beyond the stipulated date of completion of work. 

(c) Liquidated Damages: In case of any delays on the part of the firm to complete the entire work to the satisfaction of the Embassy within the stipulated period, the firm shall be liable to pay the Embassy, liquidated damages @ 0.5 % per week, subject to a maximum of 10% of the accepted tender cost.

(d) Forfeiture of EMD: The EMD shall be forfeited in the following cases:

 (i)  If the bidder withdraws the bid during the period of bid validity specified in the tender.

(ii) If the successful bidder fails to furnish the ‘Letter of Acceptance’, in writing, within 7 days of award of contract/order.

(iii) If the successful bidder fails to furnish the Performance Guarantee, within 7 days of award of contract/order.

 (iv) If the successful bidder withdraws or modifies the bid during the period of validity or after award of the contract fails to sign the contract.

7. Payment modalities: The entire fee (100%) will be released to the firm in lump–sum, within 2 weeks of submission of correct and complete bills on successful completion of the firm’s entire obligations under the contract.

8. In case any clarification is required, the Embassy may be contacted at admn1.rome  @mea.gov.in.

9. Interested companies/firms/agencies, reputed and having sufficient expertise and experience may send their response/quotation in a sealed envelope (along with EMD), clearly mentioning the following:

 (a) Lump–sum amount payable to the firm towards fees (as part of Financial Bid).
 (b) Acceptance of the conditions as mentioned at para 6 above (as part of Technical  Bid)

The quotations, in sealed envelopes, may be sent to the following address not later than 13.01.2021 (1100 hrs) to:

 The Head of Chancery
 Amasciata dell’India
 Via Venti Settembre 5
 00187 Rome  

11. The Technical Bids will be opened on 13.01.2021 at 1200 hrs at the Embassy of India, Rome, by a Committee authorized by the Competent Authority of this office. The authorised representatives of the bidders shall be permitted to attend the bid opening. The financial bids of only those bidders, whose technical bids are accepted, shall be opened by the Committee authorized for the purpose in due course.

