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The Embassy of India organized a function to celebrate the 148th birthanniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at Piazza Gandhi in Rome (Gandhi Square).Ambassador Reenat Sandhu and Guests of Honour: Senator Benedetto dellaVedova, Under Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy and Counsellor DanieleDiaco, President of the Environment Commission of the Municipality of Rome, onbehalf of the Mayor, paid floral tributes to Gandhiji. The ceremony was attended byover 100 members of the Indian community and local populace.

Addressing the gathering, Ambassador Reenat Sandhu spoke about theimportance of Mahatma Gandhi’s message of peace and non-violence whichcontinues to inspire people around the world to this day. She also spoke aboutGandhiji’s vision to create a clean India. Following in his footsteps, Prime Minister ofIndia has launched a Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan or Clean India Mission on Gandhiji’sbirth anniversary in 2014. Since then, the government has invested in infrastructureto provide sanitation facilities, waste disposal systems and safe drinking water.Several steps have also been taken to build greater awareness and create a massmovement to involve people of every age group in this mission to create a clean Indiaby Gandhiji’s 150th birthday in 2019.

The Guests of Honour spoke eloquently on the relevance of MahatmaGandhi’s philosophy of humanism, truth and non-violence in present times. UnderSecretary della Vedova also spoke about the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relationsbetween the two countries, to be celebrated next year in 2018, and the enduringfriendship between Italy and India. Counsellor Diaco expressed his deep admirationfor ‘a man who fought for his people’.

The Mission is organising two more events to commemorate Gandhi Jayantithis year, including tributes to Gandhiji at the Gandhi School at Narni on 03 October,2017 and a lecture-cum-conference on Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy and ideals inpresent times at the prestigious La Sapienza University in Rome on 05 October2017.

The Gandhi Jayanti function in Rome was celebrated by the Mission withactive support of local Government bodies and associations, which wholeheartedlycontributed their efforts and resources.
