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Release of the Book Saggezza senza tempo - Antichi insegnamenti dal vedānta e dalla Bhagavad-gītā

Posted on: December 30, 2014 | Back | Print

The Italian translation of the book “Timeless Wisdom from AncientIndia” (Saggezza senza tempo - Antichi insegnamenti dal vedānta e dalla Bhagavad-gītā) by Ambassador Basant Kumar Gupta was launched on 04.12.2014 at the prestigious Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome during the Book Fair Più Libri più liberi (More Books, More Freedom) yearly organized by the AIE – Italian Publishers Association.

The programme started with a hearty welcome to the author by the Italian editor & publisher of the book, Swamini Hamsananda, of the Italian Hindu Union; Hamsananda introduced the book to the numerous visitors and friends of India who gathered on the occasion. The organizers of the Book Fair and representatives of the Italian Publishers Association were also present. The Ambassador Gupta made some remarks on the genesis of the book, unfolding, in front of a spellbound audience, the ancient Indian wisdom enshrined in the Sanskrit scriptures- the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Mahabharata, with special emphasis on the Bhagavad Gita and its 18 chapters. The remarks by the author opened the door to a vibrant Q&A session, with a keen participation by the audience, as the book was designed not only to help young adults in high school and university, but also to address the philosophical doubts of laypersons. The book, in fact, spanning through centuries of history of Indian thought, offers the reader glimpses and insights of that ‘timeless wisdom’ which has no borders as it speaks to the Man.

The English version of the book was first published in Hong Kong in 2007; the Italian translation has been published in 2014 by Laksmi di Asya Om.
