About Us Visa Form

OnLine Application Form

Complete your application online: www.indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/
Italian translation of "Online application form" may be seen here. (link to visait.pdf)

For problems while filling Online Visa Application Form or photo uploading:
Indian visa helpline - 0091 11 22560198 - 0091 11 22560199

Photo specifications (same picture should be uploaded and pasted).

Note: The printed applications should be submitted at visa counters only 12 hours after successful online submission. Application is only valid for 30 days from the date of online submission.

Consular Wing
Tel. 0039 064884642-3-4-5 - Fax 0039  064824252
e-mail [email protected] 
For Visa Queries: e-mail [email protected] 

Applicants may forward their complaints /grievances related to Consular/Visa matters on following e-mail addresses:

HOM:[email protected]

Supervisory Officer:[email protected]

Consular Officer:[email protected]
